Your providers and staff deserve to be paid for the care they provide.


Are you finding it difficult to hire and retain top billing talent? Do you scale and adjust staffing based on revenue fluctuations? On top of that, are your billing and coding responsibilities taking you away from doing what you do best – providing exceptional patient care?

First Coast Billing Group (FCBG) is here to help you simplify the process!

As your trusted partner, FCBG offers comprehensive consulting and medical billing services designed to:

  • improve operations
  • reduce costs and delays
  • ensure a more transparent, consistent, efficient, and reliable revenue stream
  • allow greater focus on more value-added tasks that drive cash flows and improve operating margins
  • strengthen relationships with patients


Getting Started: Let’s Strategize

Having a wind-down strategy is invaluable during a conversion. First, we work with you to strategize, plan for, and execute a comprehensive revenue strategy that best aligns with your specific practice’s needs and collection policies.

It can be challenging to orchestrate such significant changes without negatively affecting your staff, productivity, and revenues. To minimize risk and position the project for success, FCBG helps you define goals, actions, priorities, responsibilities, resources, expenses, schedules, and metrics for success.

Planning a Conversion: Let’s Work Together

A well-developed wind-down plan is crucial for your organization’s success. As you plan, here are some of the things we help you determine:

  • Timelines for making the transition
  • An affordable and realistic budget for making the transition
  • How to best leverage in-house staff to achieve the most rapid, productive transition
  • Archival and storage options of legacy AR data and records
  • How to handle patient records
  • Criteria for measuring the success of the transition

    Choosing a Firm: First Coast Billing Group

    Our goal at FCBG is to improve communication across your healthcare organization, boost patient loyalty, and improve cost savings. We support you at every step of the way and are dedicated to ensuring optimal outcomes at your organization.  

    Want to learn more? Talk with our experts and schedule a consultation.